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Hi, I’m Sarah – Yorkshire-based Nutritional Therapist and certified Health Coach with a special interest in metabolic health and healthy ageing. I founded Create Health Clinic to help you reclaim your health, feel vibrant, and stay mentally sharp so that you can get the very best out of life.

FREE Health Review

My mission

My mission is to free everyone from their limiting beliefs about growing older! Ageing does not have to be a slow mental and physical decline - it can truly be an opportunity to get fitter, stronger and more vibrant!

Whereas our ancestors were simply concerned about survival, we want to thrive as we grow older. It’s not just about living longer; we want to relish the years by feeling energetic, staying active and mentally sharp, and reducing our risk of age-related disease.

Great nutrition is the foundation of healthy ageing, but it can be harder to achieve as we age. That’s where my detailed nutrition assessments can help by examining your personal health history and delivering a bespoke programme that supports your unique needs.

My approach

I like to geek out on the science of nutrition, but my real strength is translating that knowledge into no-nonsense, easy-to-follow recommendations and actionable steps that enable you to meet your health goals and encourage sustainable habit change.

You don't have to count calories, you just have to eat what's right for you. Then you can eat plenty of it so that you're satisfied, you enjoy your food, and you're never hungry. No willpower required!


My background

"It's probably your age!"

I’ve been an enthusiastic runner for the past 17 years or so, with a passion for running off-road and on trails (the muddier and farther the better!). But shortly after turning 40, stubborn weight gain, poor sleep and 'hangry' symptoms meant that I just wasn't feeling like me. My clothes became too tight around the middle and I couldn't lose weight no matter how many miles I ran each week. I dieted of course, but the more I cut calories and followed what I thought was a super healthy diet, the more hungry, miserable and obsessed with food I became. I started hearing those dreaded words “it’s probably your age”!

It’s not me, it’s my hormones?

From in-depth nutrition research I began to understand that many factors affect our ability to lose weight including hormonal imbalances, blood sugar, gut health, and ongoing stress - to name just a few. It is certainly far more complex than just 'eat less, move more' - especially as we age. I discovered that what I’d always believed to be a ‘healthy diet’ was not in fact optimal for me, so I adapted what I ate to suit my body and the results were startling. I achieved complete control of my hunger and food cravings, and finally won the battle with my belly fat. I also started sleeping well again and felt energised. And, as a happy side effect, my running went from strength to strength - accompanied by no more aching joints and creaky knees!

Taking the leap

Despite having a brilliant job in the corporate world, I felt strongly that I wanted to help others regain their health through good nutrition, as I had. In order to channel this into a career where I could really feel that I was making a difference to people, I began studying nutrition at the renowned British College for Nutrition and Health (BCNH) in London whilst working full-time. I finally left the corporate world in 2017 with the goal of building a thriving nutrition business that would enable me to support clients with their unique health challenges. From here Create Health Clinic was born.

Fast forward to today....stronger not smaller

I still run, a lot. It's not unusual to find me out on the hills, often ankle deep in mud, for hours on end. But I also prioritise my strength training, sleep, and rest and recovery time too. I understand the importance of positive daily habits and feeding my body for health. It's a focus on nourishment not numbers, stronger not smaller. I'm now working on my 'old lady body' so I can be strong and vibrant to enjoy the next 50 years!

Menopause has given me a personal insight into the hormone struggles that many of my female clients come to me with, fluctuating hormones in perimenopause can be a particularly difficult time. This transition, whether we decide to opt for HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or not, can be greatly helped with healthy nutrition and lifestyle practices, helping us to re-discover that woman we remember being - and then creating a new stronger, more powerful version!

I truly believe that we can all age stronger, both physically and mentally. We don't have to decline! I feel stronger, fitter and healthier at almost 50 years old than I did a decade ago. And you can too. It may not feel like that right now but, trust me, with the right care and nourishment your body and mind can thrive at any age.

Random things I like...

Cheese Boards

Cheese Boards

Yorkshire Dales

Yorkshire Dales



My role

Getting your nutrition optimal for YOU is key, and I know that changing ingrained habits can be tough. I've been there, I've done it, and I'm here to support you to do the same. You don't have to figure it out yourself, that's my job. And you definitely don’t have to do this alone.

In my nutrition programmes I combine my science-based advanced nutrition training with my skills in healthy habit building to support you in making food and lifestyle changes that really help you achieve your health goals.

Do something your future-self will thank you for - Book your FREE 30-minute health review with me today.

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